Enrolment Information

Unique Student Identifier (USI) Number

From 1 January 2015 all people enrolling in our Accredited Short Courses will be required to have a USI number. It is very easy to create, and is designed to help you keep track of all your training, no matter which RTO you have done the training through. Go to www.usi.gov.au to find out more information or create your USI number.

MacNellie’s Workplace Safety (RTO No. 31494) offer the following accredited courses:

To download a copy of our Student Handbook please click the link below:

Student Handbook

Enrolment forms for the different courses are below, they are divided into the different course types:

High Risk Licence – Course Enrolment – High Risk

General Construction Induction Training – Course Enrolment – General Construction Card(White Card)

Make Work Safe (MWS) Pty Ltd (RTO No. 46201) offer the following accredited courses:

To download a copy of our Student Handbook please click the link below:

Student Handbook

First Aid, CPR – Course Enrolment – First Aid 

Low Voltage Panel Rescue(LVR) – Course Enrolment – LVR

Working Safely at Heights – Course Enrolment – Working at Heights

Confined Spaces – Course Enrolment – Confined Spaces 

Low Risk Licence – Course Enrolment – Load Shifting

If you need any further information, please contact us on (07) 4662 6860 or email: training@macnellies.com.au